Whether the vehicle has been sitting for months, or you’re looking to make a quick transaction as a seller, it is best to explore all of your possible options. If you are in fact the rightful owner, it is definitely worth making the extra effort to locate your paperwork and avoid the same-day junkyard buyers who will look to supplement hidden-fees at your expense.
If you don’t have the title, it will definitely be more of a challenge getting a clunker off your hands. Most junkyards do have a policy for purchasing vehicles without a title, but require substantial proof surrounding the ownership of the junk car in quest. Some make the mistake of thinking that since the vehicle is up for scrap, ownership documentation and liability are thoughts of the past and that is certainly not the case. Selling a clunker without paperwork could come back to haunt any owner, as liability damages could add up to a total loss.
Once you have truly determined that the paperwork is missing, contact the DMV as soon as possible to begin the process of receiving a replacement title. The time and cost to receive a duplicate title for any vehicle vary widely between each state.
They may try to insist that you pay a higher price for the car because the title will be very difficult to come by if the car has been sitting in your property for a long time. They may also claim that they are responsible for the vehicle, and you must pay for damages incurred by the car. Other managers may be quite reasonable.
Some junkyards are better than others when it comes to buying and selling junk cars. That’s why it’s best to choose a yard with experience and reputation. They have an inventory of used cars and will pay cash for them. They also will accept low-mileage automobiles, good condition vehicles, and even quality classic cars with little to no damage to them.
How to Find a Junkyard that Buys Cars Without Paperwork
What does a junkyard even buy these days? That’s hard to answer because everything has changed. Remember the days when most junkyards would pay $100 or more for just about anything? Now, most of the automobiles you find at a junkyard are less than ten years old. If they’re ten years old or younger, chances are you probably have them somewhere.
Finding a reliable and trustworthy buyer can be difficult when looking for Cash for Junk cars no title, because they will do whatever it takes to pay as little as possible to you, the seller. You may have to try calling several and see if they are able to purchase your car without a physical copy of your title. Pay attention to the different prices that are offered, and know that you can always fall back on the value of the weight of the vehicle.
Cash for Junk Cars No Title, No Problem.
To conclude, if you’re looking to sell a car without a title you are likely to run into some unwanted difficulties. It would be anyone’s best bet to first exhaust all possible options to locate the title and make efforts to retrieve a duplicate title from the DMV before making any decisions on selling.
Having verifiable proof of ownership can prevent the situation where opportunistic junk car buyers will look to make offers with hidden-fees to go along with. Scrap yards who buy junk cars without title know that the prospective client may be out of options, and will definitely use that to their advantage to attempt to haggle your original quote down in value.